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Thursday, October 18, 2012


Although our life is far from fairy tale perfect, it contains much of what any good story consists of: Love, adventure, mystery, humor, heartache and a message of hope!  I wish there were more hours in the day to attend to all that needed to be done.  It's never ending.  However, despite it all, my greatest desire is that my kids will always know and feel that they have a mom, who loves them, is there for them, and lives each day for them.  Sometimes I am riddled with guilt for not being 'there' more for them.  Oh, how it pulls on my heartstrings when Adelie, on nearly a daily basis, asks me to stay home with her so she doesn't have to go to daycare.  She even went as far as offering, in a moment of desperation when pulling up to daycare this morning, to stay in the car all day while I went in and worked....haha. Sigh.  Being "mommy" is my first calling, but I've been commissioned to be more than just that right now.  I've been given the opportunity to teach my children that when change and/or adversity strikes, it's our choice as to how we handle it.  Although I'd love nothing more than to just be home and be "Mom" (and wife) at this point (and having had offers in the past to do just that), the reality is that this not what's in the cards for us....yet. However, despite this fact, we can still be happy.

I've always been terrible at journal writing, but have always found joy in capturing the moment; whether it be with photos, an updated Facebook status relaying the latest note-worthy statement from my kids, etc, I've had my ways of keeping a record of things.  However, in an effort to free myself from being a "social media slave", I've made the choice to cut all ties and start my own digital journal here.  Anyone is welcome to read. Maybe there will be many to read and follow, maybe there will be none.  It doesn't matter either way; I'm doing this for myself...and my children.  May this became a cherished keepsake for them once the experiences included here are nothing more than a fleeting memory.  Welcome to our story!